Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blog #12 sacrifices

When you make a sacrifice do you usually feel good or bad about the choice you just made? Most people usually feel good about the sacrifices they made ....otherwise they wouldn't have made it... Right?  After meeting a good portion of the people on my block I realized that I was definitely NOT the only one who left alot behind. Ie houses, cars, live in help, nicer cars, etc. Yet most of these people seem happy. Although I really didn't ask them if they are presently happy, nor did I ask them how long it took to feel that the sacrifice they made to come here was the right one. However, I know that after speaking to a handful of people... they all left behind an easier way of living.  A way of living that if you want...(which most people who left America want...) can only be done  if one is receiving income from an American company. Which then requires you to work American hours or travel frequently back and forth. Of course there maybe other exceptions... Cough cough;-) but again you see the sacrifices people make to be in the holy land and maintain the lifestyle one is accustomed too...
So let The truth be told the sacrifice of leaving the Golden America is definitely not an easy one. After just one month of being here I am realizing that ....what in the world did I just do....hmm I left behind my house that I loved and basically completely redesigned to my taste....including a "functional kitchen" yes the one here is very dysfunctional. My car ( OK it was a leased Volvo.. But it had a gear for parking!!$%%), supermarkets that carry products I am used too... and a country full of people that speak and understand my language.. Not to mention all the little things that made me happy there. (Refer to previous blog..on things I'll miss) So as of right now... I can not say that the sacrifice that I made was the right one. However what can be said is that at least the sacrifice was I just have to realize somehow, and someway, that it was the right one...

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